Tuesday, 15 September 2009

German Swine Flu Vaccine Trial Participant Coughs Up Blood

A participant in German swine flu vaccine trials has come forward with startling allegations that he experienced serious adverse side effects after taking the swine flu vaccine - including coughing up blood. The 40 year old German businessman named Axel described to a German publication exactly what happened after he was vaccinated on August 10th: "I felt totally beat. On the third day, my kidneys and head were aching and I got a fever. I then had a coughing fit - and the wash basin was suddenly red - it was blood!"

You can find the original German article containing Axel's story here (it is in German though):


German medical researcher Frank von Sonnenburg, who is in charge of the swine flu vaccine trials there does not believe that Axel's account is credible. He told the German publication doing the story that Axel's symptoms could not possibly be related to the vaccine.

Axel, however, insists that what happened to him was most definitely a result of taking the vaccine: "Surely it is no coincidence that they occurred directly after the vaccination."

Considering what happened in 1976, one would think that reports such as these would give health authorities reason to do more testing at least.

But that is not going to happen. In fact, in the United States the swine flu vaccine is going to be rolled out even earlier.

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that the swine flu vaccine will be available in the United States by the first week of October, 2 weeks earlier than has been previously expected.

So instead of delaying the swine flu vaccine in order to do proper testing, U.S. authorities have decided to rush it out as fast as they can possibly get their hands on it.

Just listen to how reckless Sebelius sounds in the following quote....

"We are on track to have an ample supply rolling out by mid October, but we may have some early vaccine as early as the first full week in October. And we plan to get the vaccine rolling out the door as fast as it hits the production line."

Should Americans be thanking Sebelius and the Obama administration for rushing out the door an untested, potentially dangerous vaccine "as fast as it hits the production line"? 

How negligent can the U.S. government possibly be?

At least some health authorities are trying to warn the public about this potential disaster.  Dr. Marc Girard, a very highly respected authority on the side effects of drugs and a medical expert commissioned by French courts, has actually said on French television that the swine flu vaccine could cause as many as 60,000 deaths in France - especially among young children and pregnant women.

A YouTube video of Dr. Girard being interviewed on French television about this is below, but unless you know French you will not be able to understand it.  For those that don't speak French, the following is a translation of the most pertinent portion of his remarks:

A vaccine is being developed in conditions of amateurism such as I have never seen. Lets take the pessimistic hypothesis: one death among every 1000 patients. There are plans to vaccinate 60 million people, and you so you already have 60,000 deaths, and this time, young people, children, pregnant women.

All of this news is very, very disturbing.  A swine flu vaccine is being rushed out to the public that some health experts are warning could kill tens of thousands of people and that is causing very serious side effects in some patients during trials. 

What if 60,000 people do die from the swine flu vaccine as the French doctor is suggesting? 

Will the reckless health authorities that have rushed out this vaccine be held accountable?

If you know of any additional swine flu news that should be brought to our attention, please post a message in the comments field below.  We could be heading for a complete and total worldwide health disaster if an unsafe, untested vaccine is rushed out to millions of people around the globe.  It will be important for all of us to pay attention and to get important swine flu news items out to our family and friends as quickly as possible in the days ahead.  Their lives may depend upon it.

Doctor says FLU VACCINE will cause 60,000 deaths in France alone ( SEE INFO BOX )


Also check this out ~

3 People In Egypt Suspected Of Being Infected With H1N1 Swine Flu And H5N1 Bird Flu


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